Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October = Love

I hope that everyone out there in internet-land is having the best October ever.

'Cause I sure am!

I absolutely love this time of year!  The weather has finally evened off into the 50-60 degree range which is wonderful as I will not die of heat stroke as I wear basically winter clothes all year round.  My office is an iceberg 364 days of the year with one day reserved for when you are bundled up for ARCTIC SURVIVAL and the furnace will malfunction and roast you to death.

True story.

In other October awesomeness, my landlord finally ripped out all the ugly bushes in front of the house!  I can see out of my kitchen window again! 

I came home from work on Tuesday night and pulled into the driveway and just sat there for a minute looking at the house.  I knew something was different but it didn't register until suddenly I figured out that I could see the whole house.  Amazing!  It suddenly looked a lot bigger (from the outside).

So while I am sad that the wildlife has been evicted from the front bushes, I am extremely pleased.  I will not be pleased if he tries to put anything back except for lilac bushes.  Can you imagine standing with your kitchen window open as you do the dishes while a gentle breeze brings in the wonderful lilac scent?  Bliss.

Going shopping this weekend!  So excited.  I'm hoping to get some new clothes or maybe some shoes or maybe a coat or maybe, well, you get the idea.

So shopping and then supper at Perkins.  Can't wait.

And I think I'll stop the rambling here.


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