I will be adding to this as I think of things. 'Cause trying to think of 101 things off the top of my head is owie.
My Goals for 2009-2012
- Get Emme and Kisa spayed. Goodbye $175.
- Get my oil changed every 3 months.
- Brush teeth everyday for a month.
- Wash face everyday for a month.
- Save $1000-1500
- Pay off 2 credit cards - DONE 2/18/10
- Pay off smallest student loan (February 2011!!!)
- Put up blind in guest bedroom
- Organize guest bedroom
- Have bush in front of house trimmed - DONE The landlord ripped the whole thing out!
- Meal plan every week for a month.
- Keep up on laundry, dishes, vacuuming and kitty boxes for a month.
- Crochet a Christmas afghan for mom
- Finish Unexpected Bonds
- Decorate bedroom
- Buy large bookcase for bedroom - ABANDONED (I bought two small ones instead!)
- Buy dvd/vcr for bedroom - DONE 1/30/10 (I bought a Blu-Ray player for the living room and put the old dvd/vcr player in the bedroom. ^_^)
- Buy flat screen for bedroom
- Shampoo carpets every 3 months
- Go on vacation alone
- Lose 25 pounds
- Get washing machine fixed - DONE 12/7/09
- Read the Bible
- Start going to church
- Learn some basic Japanese
- Buy curtain rods for all rooms
- Buy curtains for kitchen and guest bedroom
- Deep clean the kitchen cabinets
- Cut cable package to internet only
- Buy a Roku - ABANDONED 1/30/10 (My Blu-Ray player plays Netflix!)
- Buy a new computer. Give old one to mom - DONE Bought the new one in June '10.
- Look for new car for me, minivan for mom
- Balance checkbook every week
- Start looking for place closer to work
- Buy a freezer
- Learn how to bake bread
- Learn how to make homemade mixes
- Buy oven light! This is sad that it needs to be a goal. T_T DONE 1/2/10
- Try out ten new recipes (2)
- Ask my landlord if I can paint
- Inventory DVDs, VHS and music
- Decide on keeping desk or not
- Organize/decorate laundry room
- Create emergency kits for car and house
- Start exercising
- Create a second account/savings
- Try a no spend month 2x/year
- Create a mail system
- Paint Pantry and microwave cart
- Paint dresser and armoire
- Start using cloth napkins
- Try OAMC
- Stockpile some groceries like flour, sugar, etc.
- Finish home journal
- Organize recipes
- Blog everyday for a month
- Read 101 books
- Watch 101 movies
- No hitting snooze button for one week
- Send Christmas cards every year - 2009 Fail
- Drink a bottle of water everyday for a month
- Get contacts
- Buy a (cheap) violin and learn to play
- Catch up on tv series