Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Memory Loss or WTF am I talking about?

Taking a quick break from ILL, reserves, student schedules and any of the other 5 million things I've been doing today.

Second semester started today and I am back to my old 3pm-midnight schedule.  (Thank you, God!  Btw, can you stop winter?  Just a little?  Hugs and kisses!  Me.)

Monday we had a mini blizzard.  If by mini you mean zero visibility and by blizzard you mean holy cow, I can't see my house from the driveway!  So I only worked for four hours on Monday and then Tuesday we had orientation for transfers, an overload of ILL, no students, reserves needing to be put on NOW FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NOW!  Btw, bringing books in the day before classes start to be put on reserve does not the brownie point receive.  Wednesday (today) we were swamped.  I sent out a call for help and our lovely ILL student came to the rescue whittling the scary 39 items awaiting processing down to 16 waiting to be scanned for tomorrow.

Anyway, that was a long winded back story for my next story.  (Well, not really back story.  More like back vent.  Is that a word?)

I was filing some reserve slips when I saw the folder we keep for one specific class that always has the same books go on reserve.  Our last secretary had put it together (complete with label and everything!) a few years ago.  I decided to just glance at it as I need to take them off of reserve now.  One of the lists was a print out of the barcodes with handwritten titles under it.  I was just thinking what a sweetheart she was that she took the extra time to go through and double check that what we had on reserve was the same as what was on the list when I took a closer look.  And felt like a total idiot.  It was my own handwriting.  Done before I knew how to print off both barcodes and titles together apparently.  Not that I can remember doing it in the first place.

Don't you just wish that you work with me?


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