After we ate our Thanksgiving dinner my mom and I made a decision that I am still blaming on the turkey. Apparently our turkey had some sort of drugs injected in it that made deciding to do Black Friday sound like a good idea. And that since we were just going to have to get up in a few hours anyway, why not just stay up talking until we had to leave. I know. We are dumb, d-u-m, dumb. So we went to Wal-Mart at 5am. Okay, now people. 5am is when I usually go to bed. I am not supposed to be in a store with fifty gazillion crazy people. Also, it was freezing!
So we got to Wal-Mart at about 4:50am. There was a ton of people already there, with carts and kids (why would you take kids?) just milling around crazily. Everyone was huddled around the stacks just waiting to pounce. I was a little confused that no one had actually grabbed anything yet but then I saw the signs that said No Touching Until 5am or something to that effect. I was confused until I vaguely remembered seeing something like that on tv. So my mom hovered around the vacuum cleaners and sent me to guard the drills. I was expecting something like from tv. A loud announcement or whistle or something and then people would get to the grabbing. Only it was kinda boring. I almost didn't hear the guy on the PA announce that it was time to shop and I didn't even get to experience the mad grab and dash. I was the only one who picked up a drill.
It was a little scary with all the people and their carts. I just tried to stay out of the way and not get run over. I ended up with the drill, a set of 600 count chocolate brown sheets, a set of tan flannel sheets (yes!), an electric blanket, a new set of Rubbermaid containers, a new roaster and rack, Tomb Raider dvd and Patriot Games DVD. Totally exciting. And all for me!
My mom got a pink! vacuum, a set of 600 count green sheets, a set of green flannel sheets, an electric blanket, a new set of Rubbermaid containers, two paintings (exactly the same as the ones she bought me for my birthday!) and a new set of pots and pans. We spent way too much money. I was hoping to get the Sims 3 but they were sold out by the time I got back there. T_T
I think the lack of sleep let me be way more laid back that I usually would be. I hate being around a lot of people. The sounds and the lights and the smells and the colors all make me really dizzy. But I did okay. I mostly just hung back out of the way and watched everyone run around like crazy people. We were only there for about 45 minutes but is was enough to make me turn to my mom and say, "I'm pretty sure I'm ready to never do this again."
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