Thursday, August 6, 2009

Confusion and Cleaning

My mind has started to slip.  I got out of my car today and noticed that I had forgotten to change my shoes.  I am wearing my flip flops that I wear for around the house and after showers.  I had my shoes all ready to change into but apparently my brain had other ideas.  At least I wasn't wearing my slippers.  Although the pink and purple stripes would look absolutely darling with my teal shirt.

Possibly I am still suffering the aftereffects of the ILL & Copyright webinar I attended yesterday.  The presenter completely freaked out one of my co-workers before we realized that what the presenter said and what was true were two totally different things.  That was fun.  Also, very confusing and brain hurting. 

When I got home last night, the only thing I wanted to do was something not brain hurting.  Cause pain and I  are totally unmixy things.  So I told myself that I was going to read until 6pm.  Then I was going to get up, make supper and do some stuff around the house.  When I finished the book at 8pm, (it was a Dresden File, okay) I went on a cleaning spree.  Very unlike me.  I picked up all the garbage in the living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom.  (I had a lot of juice boxes.)  And all the dirty dishes. 

Then I started on the laundry.  As in I took all the wrinkled clothes from my dining table and put them back into the dryer to get rid of the wrinkles.  I was totally surprised that they came out sans wrinkles.  I actually hung them up right after the dryer buzzed.  The stuff to be folded is still in the basket but hey, it's just pjs and undies.

After I talked to my mom and got ready for bed, I got really ambitious.  (And if you're asking why, I have no idea but it my have something to do with what's happening on Friday.  But you'll have to wait. ^_^)  I cleaned up my counter, put everything away, got all the dirty laundry out, put away all my random crap and then. 

And then I cleaned my toilet.  I am ashamed to say that I had never done this.  My mom does it when she's here.  (hangs head in shame)  It was just as disgusting as I had thought.  Also, I had two little helpers.  I put Emme and Kisa into the bathtub so they could watch the never-before-seen event.  (My cats love the bathtub and are ecstatic when they can play in the water.)  Then I had to flush the toilet about twenty times before I felt that the water was now safe for them to play in.  Then I closed the lid because I am paranoid.  And shut the bathroom door because I am neurotic.

So more cleaning when I get home.  In preparation for Friday.  Which I'm still not going to talk about.  Except to say that I am soooo excited and if it doesn't work out, I will cry.  Cry like the little girl that I am.


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