Last night I looked in the mirror after work and almost scared myself.
Apparently I do look like I feel. How nice.
I am also dying of sleep deprivation. Between the cats and my inability to stay asleep for more than two hours at a time (and oh, hey, did I mention that I also seem to have insomnia on top of the inability to stay asleep longer than two hours?), I'm surprised no one has died yet in a fit of insomnia-induced rage. Because believe me, there is rage.
Btw, did I mention that it's THAT time of the month?
On the bright side, today is my last full day of work this week. Praise Jesus. Then all the students will go away and all will be right in the world.
I am also leaving tomorrow for Des Moines for two days for a conference. Every time I think about it, I get an image of me, F. and M. peeling out of the parking lot shouting, "So long, suckers!" to the rest of the staff as we leave them to deal with the end of semester craziness.
You know, I think that no sleep thing is getting to me. :P