Thursday, February 4, 2010

*Updated* 101 Things in 1001 Days

I'm totally stealing this from Simple Bliss. So my starting day is December 2, 2009 and my ending day is August 29, 2012. (If the world is still here. Just sayin'.)

I will be adding to this as I think of things. 'Cause trying to think of 101 things off the top of my head is owie.

My Goals for 2009-2012
  1. Get Emme and Kisa spayed. Goodbye $175.
  2. Get my oil changed every 3 months.
  3. Brush teeth everyday for a month.
  4. Wash face everyday for a month.
  5. Save $1000-1500
  6. Pay off 2 credit cards - DONE 2/18/10
  7. Pay off smallest student loan
  8. Put up blind in guest bedroom
  9. Organize guest bedroom
  10. Have bush in front of house trimmed
  11. Meal plan every week for a month.
  12. Keep up on laundry, dishes, vacuuming and kitty boxes for a month.
  13. Crochet a Christmas afghan for mom
  14. Finish Unexpected Bonds
  15. Decorate bedroom
  16. Buy large bookcase for bedroom - ABANDONED (I bought two small ones instead!)
  17. Buy dvd/vcr for bedroom - DONE 1/30/10 (I bought a Blu-Ray player for the living room and put the old dvd/vcr player in the bedroom. ^_^)
  18. Buy flat screen for bedroom
  19. Shampoo carpets every 3 months
  20. Go on vacation alone
  21. Lose 25 pounds
  22. Get washing machine fixed - DONE 12/7/09
  23. Read the Bible
  24. Start going to church
  25. Learn some basic Japanese
  26. Buy curtain rods for all rooms
  27. Buy curtains for kitchen and guest bedroom
  28. Deep clean the kitchen cabinets
  29. Cut cable package to internet only
  30. Buy a Roku - ABANDONED 1/30/10 (My Blu-Ray player plays Netflix!)
  31. Buy a new computer. Give old one to mom
  32. Look for new car for me, minivan for mom
  33. Balance checkbook every week
  34. Start looking for place closer to work
  35. Buy a freezer
  36. Learn how to bake bread
  37. Learn how to make homemade mixes
  38. Buy oven light! This is sad that it needs to be a goal. T_T DONE 1/2/10
  39. Try out ten new recipes
  40. Ask my landlord if I can paint
  41. Inventory DVDs, VHS and music
  42. Decide on keeping desk or not
  43. Organize/decorate laundry room
  44. Create emergency kits for car and house
  45. Start exercising
  46. Create a second account/savings
  47. Try a no spend month 2x/year
  48. Create a mail system
  49. Paint Pantry and microwave cart
  50. Paint dresser and armoire
  51. Start using cloth napkins
  52. Try OAMC
  53. Stockpile some groceries like flour, sugar, etc.
  54. Finish home journal
  55. Organize recipes
  56. Blog everyday for a month
  57. Read 101 books
  58. Watch 101 movies
  59. No hitting snooze button for one week
  60. Send Christmas cards every year - 2009 Fail
  61. Drink a bottle of water everyday for a month
  62. Get contacts
  63. Buy a (cheap) violin and learn to play
  64. Catch up on tv series

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