Monday, November 9, 2009

The Luckiest Unluckiest Person...

... in the entire world. Yes. That's me.

I give you two examples.

Unlucky: My fridge broke at 3am on Saturday. Whatever makes the door stick has decided to unstick. With just bought groceries inside.

Lucky: I had two bungee cords in my car that just fit to keep my fridge door shut. Of course the tension on them causes the door to spring open in a way to cause Sudden Death.

Unlucky: My mom lost her phone. Two weeks after she lost it at K-Mart. With the ringer off (my fault). She knew she lost it at either Wal-Mart or Goodwill. Neither place filled me with hope. No insurance on the stupid thing. Can't afford another one.

Lucky: After several searches and one ill-fated trip to Wal-Mart, it was found under the front seat of my mom's van.



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