Friday, January 15, 2010

It's a miracle

I have a confession to make.

I just worked out for half an hour.

I know!

I bought the dvd Core Rhythms years ago and I tried it a couple times. Holy cow do those girls go fast! I'm thinking this is one dvd that will have to wait until I loose a little more weight or suddenly become coordinated. Please excuse me while I laugh hysterically.

I didn't do that bad. Okay. I only got through the warm up and 1 1/4 of the sessions. Of which there are two. But still! I did it! Most of my problem comes from the fact that I have two left feet. The way I was tripping all over the place, you could have sworn I had about four or five feet going in the wrong direction, though. Plus I kicked Emme in the face. Not terribly hard but enough for her to run away from me. So I'm thinking kitties go in their room with the door shut while Mommy is exercising, mkay?

Tomorrow I am going back to the oldie but goodie, Tae Bo. The Basic workout, of course, where I can stare at Billy Blanks with his blue spandex leotard thing and wonder how much he got paid to wear what looks like a reject superhero outfit. A too small reject superhero outfit. Seriously. His man boobies are kinda falling out. Ewww.

You know how it feels when you hang upside down and all the blood rushes to your head? Yeah, I feel a lot like that right now. Only I was standing up the whole time. Go figure. Otherwise, I feel okay. No major owies, yet. Yet being the operative word.

And now for the serious section of this post. (Have you noticed that I do this? I'm all la la la then bam! I start being all serious and weepy? I don't know, either. Maybe I'm bipolar.)

So, the whole exercising thing has been brought on by a couple of things. I sorta realized that I'm going to be thirty in four years. I'm not spazzing about turning thirty 'cause it's just not a big deal to me. I just think that by thirty there should be a few things that I should have taken care of.

I finally got the hair and makeup down (okay mostly down), I'm slightly more financially stable (stress on slightly) and I'm finally coming out of my shell (okay, people who know me now can't believe that I was way shyer and quieter than I am now and people from back then, well, actually I haven't seen people from back then in forever so I can't be certain what they would say, but I'm sure it would include some whoah's but anyway. better!).

So these are the things I need to be working on before I turn thirty:
1. Loose some weight. (Stupid health insurance says I'm obese. I wear a size 12 for crying out loud!)
2. Get a life outside of work!
3. Make a good friend to do stuff with (okay, I do have friends. they just all graduated and moved to exotic locations. and I work nights so I'm not exactly around a lot of people (although I do get stalked by the Wal-Mart floor waxer guy a lot). and I don't really make friends all that well. back to the shy thing.)
4. Learn to walk in heels. A frivolous goal but a goal nonetheless.


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